Submitted by Name: Miaus From: Chile E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hey! Do you have any black pants left for sale? And how much it would be to ship to chile? Thx !
Admin reply: Hi, there are black pants available in sizes 28", 29", and 35". If you are just getting the pants, shipping should be about $28.
Added: December 3, 2018
Submitted by Name: Cody Brown From: Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: The windbreakers pictured when I click the picture are all of the ones not marked sold $165 and for sale?
Admin reply: Hi, There is only 1 (new condition) white windbreaker left for $165
The ones that were previously owned by progamers are sold as a set (windbreaker + jeans) If you want the windbreaker only, I can take $50 off the list price.
Comments: Hey guys, i want to buy a white padded winter coat size Large. Any chance those will be in stock anytime soon?
Admin reply: Hi there, unfortunately there are no more Large (105cm) white padded jackets left and they can't be restocked. The closest is a Medium (100cm) which might fit if you are border line between medium and large because this particular jacket has elastic ends. But if you are a solid large, probably not.
Name: Miaus
From: Chile
E-mail: Contact
Hey! Do you have any black pants left for sale? And how much it would be to ship to chile? Thx !
Admin reply: Hi, there are black pants available in sizes 28", 29", and 35".
If you are just getting the pants, shipping should be about $28.